So why the c-section? First of all, we are very grateful that there weren't any complications that led to the c-section. So, here's how everything went down. I had a doctor's appointment Monday (Sept. 22) and everything checked out fine and the doctor gave us the go ahead to check in to the hospital the following night to be induced. Tuesday night at 7pm I finally had my baby shower in Victoria and at midnight we checked in to the hospital (talk about cutting it close!). Wednesday morning the doctor was set to check in on my progress at around 7:30am and break my water. Well, at 7:20am while he was down the hall checking on another patient my water broke on it's own. I guess she wanted to do things on her own! Dan and I spent the rest of the day napping at watching TV (epidurals are GREAT!). My contractions were steady and strong (again, epidurals are great! I didn't feel a thing) but by mid-afternoon I wasn't as far enough along as I should have been considering the strength of my contractions. So after a few hours of no change the doctor decided a c-section was needed. The baby wasn't in any distress at all and I was doing fine as well. It was just to the point where we could have continued to wait, but more than likely nothing would have changed. So at 5pm they prepped me for the c-section and at 5:28pm little Lillian's first cries were heard. She weighed in at 6lbs. 14oz. and measured 18 inches long. She has a full head of her daddy's dark brown hair, and she is absolutely beautiful!
The c-section itself went really well and I was a lot more relaxed than I thought I would be. I've recovered a lot quicker than I thought, as well, and because of that they gave us the go ahead to go home Friday afternoon (a day earlier than usual). My mom met us when we got home from the hospital and she has been here helping me out since then. My dad also came down last weekend to meet his newest granddaughter.
All in all, we are thrilled to finally have Lily here. It still hasn't quite sunk in that we're parents and that she's really ours.

Dan, Ashleigh and Lily